Everything edible

Author: lefoodboar_ce0j4p

Poor mans Pizza (Don’t tell the Italians!)

This is a quick and very easy to make tasty snack, we have not found anybody who doesn’t like it yet.

Poor mans pizza


  • Pack of Tortilla
  • Small tub of Crème fraiche
  • Mustard
  • Pack of pulled pork or ham hock
  • One finely chopped spring onion per pizza
  • Pack of mixed Gruyere and mozzarella cheese


In a bowl, add two tablespoons of crème fraiche and one teaspoon of mustard, gently combine to mix.

Tip! Use Dijon mustard for a subtle taste or English mustard for a stronger flavour.

Take one of the tortilla and spread out some of the mixture.

Add a sprinkle of spring onion, and some of the pulled ham hock.

Tip! As this will cook in around four minutes, less is more to ensure everything is hot.

Top off with the mixed cheese and a crack of fresh black pepper.

Set the grill in the oven to around 200 degrees C (or high)

Place the pizzas on a baking tray and put them in the oven on the high shelf.

Watch for the cheese to start to bubble and gently brown, this is around four minutes usually but may be longer of the grill is not so hot, or the shelf further away.

Thats it, easy as that, serve with a ranch salad or enjoy on there own, one will not be enough.

Prawns in chilli, lime and honey

Prep time 5 mins : Cooking time 5 mins

This dish is so simple to make, and a taste sensation. The inspiration came from a starter once ordered in a very shabby looking Indian restaurant and kind of evolved into the dish it is today. Citrus freshness complimented by the heat of the chilli, and the soothing honey give a depth of flavour that is hard to believe comes from only three ingredients.

Ingredient list:

Tray of Prawns – 1 per person

2 Limes

Fresh red chilli – Add to taste – Thai birds eye for a fierce heat, European red chilli for a milder taste

Honey – Cheap blended is ok (this has added sugar – keep it moving in the pan to prevent burning) unless you have single source organic to spare.

Fresh Rocket leaf


Back pepper


De-seed and finely chop the chili(s).

Cut the limes in half

Take the top off the honey

Place a handful of rocket on the serving plate

Things happen quickly with this dish, so better to be prepared.

Heat a heavy frying pan over a high heat with a little oil – 1/2 tablespoon is plenty – ground nut if you have it, or a supermarket olive oil is fine – avoid quality virgin olive oil as this will taint the dish.

When at temperature, add the chilli and quickly stir fry – about 5 to 10 seconds, you just want to release the flavour into the oil but not burn the chilli.

Add the prawns and stir fry for around 30 seconds – you may find a lot of liquid is released from the prawns, this is normal.

Squeeze the limes into the pan – you need to be quick as the lime juice will stop the prawns burning, and add liquid to poach them in.

Add the honey, around 3 tablespoons is a good starting point, the more you add, the sweetness will offset the heat of the chilli.

Concentrate the flavours by reducing the sauce to approximately half the volume you started with – the sauce will get thicker as is cools on the plate, so don’t worry if it looks runny at this stage.

Serve with a handful of rocket, and a sprinkle of parmesan. Try to keep the cheese off the prawns.

The parmesan should not work in a dish like this, but it adds seasoning to the rocket, and brings another flavour profile to the prawns – trust me, it works.

For extra style points, a crack of fresh black pepper across the plate will give that visual wow factor, the black of the pepper complimenting the green of the rocket.

Best enjoyed with friends and complimented nicely by a glass of crisp cold sauvignon blanc

The taste of summer 🙂

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